Marketing Techniques to Watch for in Thailand

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Thailand’s spending on internet media is projected to reach THB 27 Bn in 2022, accounting for 32 percent of total media spending, while the share of television spending is likely to decline below 50 per cent for the first time. Thailand’s 2022 media spending will outperform 2021, supported by the reopening and state stimulus schemes.

Innovations and technology have played a major part in Thailand’s recent economic growth. Businesses in most sectors in Thailand are facing immense challenges in adapting to the latest developments, which would continue to impact business across industries over the coming years. Companies would have to invest significantly in a variety of marketing technologies to stay afloat. Investment opportunities in Thailand for IT solutions providers and marketing firms are thus on the upswing.

Thai marketers are evolving constantly with the world around them. If 2021 was about recovering from an extraordinary shock, 2022 is all about responding, and thriving in the post-pandemic world. With so many advertising options and marketing channels out there, it could get overwhelming. Using every option might not be the best approach, rather making the most out of each option is the way to go. In this article, we will explore trends for helping marketers in Thailand.

Amplifying Customer Service with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence in marketing uses both online as well as offline customer data together with concepts like machine learning, social intelligence and natural language processing to gauge the audiences’ future actions. This enables businesses to target the audiences with the appropriate message through the relevant marketing medium at the right time to turn the prospects into business opportunities.

Specific areas where businesses use AI and machine learning for solving marketing problems and improving processes include:

  • Customer segmentation and generating personalized user experiences
  • Chatbots and live chats
  • Predictive analytics like sales forecasting and buying patterns
  • Paid ads such as programmatic ads
  • Product recommendation engines
  • Dynamic pricing

Brands are implementing and optimizing AI and machine learning within the customer experience for empowering and elevating customer service from cost centres to revenue drivers. Engineers and web developers aren’t the only ones employing AI and machine learning tools. Marketing consulting firms in Thailand, too, are increasingly utilizing these technologies in their marketing efforts.

Voice Search Optimization

A growing contingent of internet users are using voice assistants for web search. For adapting to this rising trend, more and more marketers are optimizing their content for voice search. For leveraging the increase in voice searches, content is being created that answers people’s questions.

For staying up-to-date with this marketing trend, marketers can try searching for the most asked questions around their industry through keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner. Lastly, most of the searches are done via mobile devices, marketers should ensure that their websites are mobile-friendly with fast loading speed to enhance their SEO ranking.

Voice search offers very profitable and interesting business opportunities in Thailand for businesses with a brick-and-mortar location or local presence, especially for those who are first movers and able to capitalize on this marketing trend.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

One of the marketing trends that won’t just be evident in the year 2022 but for coming years is Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. We will begin to see these innovative technologies used for promoting products and services, forever transforming marketing.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are often also considered 360-degree marketing. Several real estate giants in Thailand have already started experimenting with virtual reality applications to allow potential customers experience their condominium units before they’re even constructed. More and more businesses in Thailand are experimenting with this type of marketing for improving the buyer’s awareness and increasing purchasing decisions.

Influencer marketing

2022 will be the year for the creators. Over the past year, the Thai influencer economy has grown considerably and is likely to continue to do so. In Thailand, influencer marketing spending has grown amid the pandemic, with 30% year-over-year growth to THB 2 Bn in 2020. During the outbreak:

  • 5 per cent of Thais followed influencers on social media as per Statisa, 2020.
  • 53 per cent of Thais spent time engaging with social influencers as per i-dac survey, 2021.
  • TikTok whizzed to become Thailand’s top influencer platform.

Most of the Thai followers are buyers of influencer-endorsed products. As per a recent survey in Thailand, consumers noted that they mostly notice a new product when being endorsed by an influencer and at times are even convinced to purchase the said product.

Ways a business in Thailand can keep up with influencer marketing:

  • Invest more in influencer marketing efforts.
  • Prioritize the production of video content with creators.
  • Don’t limit to one social media or distribution platform.
  • Benefit from influencer marketplaces for streamlining partnerships.

Inclusive marketing

An inclusive marketing strategy isn’t just about displaying diverse images on your social media pages or websites. Inclusive marketing isn’t a gimmick or a sales trick. A marketer must see how the world has shifted and recognized that being inclusive and respectful to local as well as foreign values is the new norm.

Consumers look for brands that practise what they preach and brands that are aligned with all values. If you’re starting a company in Thailand and looking for loyalty from your customers and lasting respect from them, you have to be an authentic brand. Let all groups or individuals recognize themselves in the marketing efforts of your brand and let them know that they can connect with your business. A truly inclusive brand walk the walk at each level. It means developing an inclusive culture and teams, building deep levels of customer intimacy with the various diverse customers that you serve.

Inclusive Marketing Tips for a Thai Business

  • Allow diverse perspectives at every level throughout your organization, from the marketers and UX designer to upper management.
  • In your every marketing campaign, try to hero a particular group.
  • Tell real stories in your marketing campaigns to your audiences.
  • Aim to showcase stories or people that positively challenge common stereotypes.
  • Adapt your marketing campaigns to diverse cultural contexts to create a brand that is inclusive not just to local but varying groups globally.

The Role of Marketing Firms in Thailand

There are plenty of world-class marketing consulting firms in Thailand with the resources and expertise required to thrive in a competitive global market. And it’s isn’t just the Thai businesses that benefit from outsourcing to Thai marketing firms. Although the rates of Thai marketing agencies are comparatively lower than those in the western world, the quality of service is on par and even outdoes that of Western firms.

Marketing firms help you in identifying, reaching and connecting with your target audiences with the help of creative storytelling across digital platforms driving up your revenues and subsequently your profits.


It’s easy to get sidetracked by shiny innovative digital objects. Marketers adore new trends and want to stay at the leading edge of technologies. However, the truth is that most of the business growth still originates from foundational marketing tools. Don’t forget your foundation. Often, optimizing the base marketing execution would offer a better return on investment than experimenting with every new tool in the market.

As technology advances every second, a lot is changing quickly. Marketing is dynamic and quite volatile when it comes to changes. How to be on top of this?
The answer lies in adaptability. Keep up with the latest marketing trends and news. Comprehend what’s going to happen down the road and implement your marketing strategies towards it, and be fast!