Representation ServicesDoing Business in Thailand by having FULL-SCALE Operations from Day One


Representation Services in ThailandWelcome to Startup in Thailand, a premier brand under the Aditya Group Thailand, operational since 2002. Our goal is to provide comprehensive and effective representation services for international clients, allowing them to seamlessly integrate into the Thai market and leverage the abundant business opportunities available.

Who Needs Representation Services in Thailand?

Thailand offers abundant business opportunities. A well-thought-out market entry strategy is crucial for any international company seeking commercial success. Our representation services are designed for:

  • Foreign Investors: Seeking to explore and penetrate the Thai market without immediate, large-scale investments. • International Businesses: Aiming to expand their operations into Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand.
  • Startups and SMEs: Requiring a cost-effective approach to test the waters before making significant commitments. • Exporters and Importers: Needing local expertise to streamline their operations in Thailand.
  • Businesses Seeking Sourcing Opportunities: Looking to find and manage suppliers in Thailand.
  • Companies Looking for Distribution Partners: Wanting to establish or expand their distribution network in Thailand.

What We Offer: Scope of Our Services

  1. Virtual Office Services:
  • Business Address: A prestigious address in Thailand to boost your company’s credibility. • Mail Handling: Efficient handling of mail and packages.
  • Dedicated Communication Lines: Professional call and email handling.
  1. Market Research and Analysis:
  • Market Insights: In-depth market research and feasibility studies.
  • Competitor Analysis: Detailed analysis of local competitors and market trends. • Custom Reports: Tailored reports to guide your business strategy.
  1. Business Representation:
  • Local Representation: Attend trade shows, exhibitions, and business meetings on your behalf. • Networking: Connect with potential clients, suppliers, and government agencies.
  • Marketing: Execute local marketing and promotional activities.
  1. Regulatory and Compliance Support:
  • Licensing Assistance: Help with obtaining necessary licenses and permits.
  • Legal Guidance: Comprehensive guidance on Thai business laws and regulations. • Compliance Monitoring: Ongoing compliance checks and reporting.
  1. Logistical and Operational Support:
  • Local Logistics: Coordination of logistics, warehousing, and distribution. • Supplier Management: Manage local suppliers and service providers.
  • Administrative Support: Full office management and administrative services.
  1. Sourcing and Procurement:
  • Supplier Identification: Find and vet accredited and certified suppliers.
  • Quality Assurance: Ensure products meet quality standards and specifications. • Procurement Savings: Focus on savings that positively impact your bottom line.
  1. Distribution and Business Development:
  • Distribution Network: Establish and manage local distribution channels. • Sales Representation: Act as your sales agent to promote your products.
  • Business Development: Identify and pursue new business opportunities in Thailand.

Benefits of Branch Representation

  • Cost-Effective: Establish a fully functional branch at a fraction of the cost.
  • Local Expertise: Leverage in-house support for local language, legal compliance, and corporate communications.
  • Operational Efficiency: Professional management of supply chain and procurement processes to save time and costs.
  • Market Expansion: Utilize local expertise and connections to achieve business objectives and expand in the ASEAN region.

In a country where the local language predominates, like Thailand, it can be challenging for a foreigner to manage the entire supply chain without facing significant time losses. By leveraging our professional team, clients can efficiently find accredited and certified suppliers in Thailand. Our team focuses on procurement savings that directly influence bottom-line results, acting as your buying and sourcing agent.


  1. Professional Business Presence:
  • Establish a local address and contact point to enhance your business credibility.
  1. Comprehensive Market Insights:
  • Provide detailed market reports and competitor analyses to inform your strategy.
  1. Representation and Networking:
  • Actively represent your business at key industry events and engage with local stakeholders.
  1. Regulatory Compliance:
  • Ensure your business meets all Thai legal requirements and stays compliant.
  1. Operational Efficiency:
  • Streamline logistics and operational support to optimize your business processes.
  1. Supplier and Distribution Management:
  • Efficiently manage local suppliers and establish robust distribution networks.


Our services are designed to be flexible and meet your business needs:

Initial Setup:

  • Virtual Office and Contact Point: 1-2 weeks. • Market Research and Analysis: 3-4 weeks.
  • Regulatory Compliance and Licensing: 4-6 weeks (depending on requirements).

Ongoing Support:

  • Monthly Reporting and Updates: Ongoing.
  • Continuous Representation and Networking: As needed.

Why Choose Us?

  1. Expertise:
  • Over a decade of experience in the Thai market.
  • Deep understanding of local business practices and regulations.
  1. Comprehensive Services:
  • End-to-end support covering all aspects of business representation.
  1. Cost-Effective:
  • Affordable solutions tailored to your specific needs. • Transparent pricing with no hidden fees.
  1. Dedicated Team:
  • Professional and bilingual staff committed to your success. • Personalized service and regular communication.

Success Stories and Case Studies

  • Client A: Successfully entered the Thai market with our representation services, achieving a 20% market share within the first year. • Client B: Utilized our procurement services to source high-quality suppliers, reducing costs by 15%.
  • Client C: Expanded their operations in the ASEAN region by leveraging our local expertise and network connections.

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Get Started Today
Ready to embark on your business journey in Thailand? Contact us now to discuss how our tailored services can accelerate your success. Let's build your business empire together