What are the Do’s and Dont’s in Thailand?

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When visiting Thailand, it’s important to be aware of the cultural norms and customs to ensure a respectful and enjoyable experience. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:


  1. Do greet with a wai: Greet people with a wai, a traditional Thai gesture, by pressing your palms together in a prayer-like manner and slightly bowing your head. This is a sign of respect.
  1. Do dress modestly: When visiting temples or more conservative areas, dress modestly by covering your shoulders, chest, and legs. This applies to both men and women.
  1. Do remove your shoes: Take off your shoes when entering homes, temples, and certain shops or establishments. Look for cues, such as a pile of shoes outside, to determine if it’s necessary.
  1. Do show respect for the monarchy: The Thai monarchy is highly revered. Show respect and refrain from any disrespectful or offensive remarks or actions towards the royal family.
  1. Do try the local cuisine: Thai food is renowned for its flavors and variety. Embrace the opportunity to try different dishes and enjoy the vibrant street food culture.

Do respect Buddhism: Thailand is predominantly Buddhist, and it is important to show respect for Buddhist customs and traditions. Avoid disrespectful behavior or gestures towards Buddhist symbols, statues, or monks.


  1. Don’t disrespect Buddha images: Treat Buddha images and sacred sites with reverence. Avoid climbing on statues or displaying any disrespectful behavior. Taking photographs with your back facing Buddha images is also considered disrespectful.
  1. Don’t touch people’s heads: In Thai culture, the head is considered sacred, and touching someone’s head, even in a friendly manner, is considered impolite. Conversely, it’s best to keep your feet on the ground as pointing your feet towards others is considered disrespectful.
  1. Don’t display public affection: Public displays of affection, such as kissing or hugging, are generally not common or culturally appropriate in Thailand. Show restraint and avoid engaging in excessive public displays of affection.
  1. Don’t disrespect Thai customs and traditions: Respect local customs, rituals, and traditions. Avoid mocking or disrespecting religious practices or cultural beliefs.
  1. Don’t criticize the monarchy or engage in political discussions: Thai law prohibits any negative comments or actions towards the monarchy. Refrain from engaging in political discussions or making any remarks that could be perceived as disrespectful.

Don’t use your left hand for certain actions: In Thai culture, the left hand is considered unclean. Avoid using your left hand for actions such as handing or receiving objects, giving money, or touching others.

These guidelines will help you navigate Thai culture with respect and appreciation. Remember to observe and adapt to the specific customs of the region or community you are visiting. Being mindful of cultural differences contributes to a positive and memorable experience in Thailand.

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