Before really starting any business, it really helps to know what exactly you will be starting. Even when buying an established business, the wise investor will sit down and run through a full business plan.
The problem is that this takes time and isn’t exciting. Because of this, too many people jump into a business that they don’t truly understand, without any prior planning. Business is complicated and can be expensive, especially in that vital first year. This is why you need to craft an intricate business plan before you do much else.
3 Key steps to creating a business plan:
This may not be what you want to hear, but research is absolutely vital if you want to be a success. Those that fail have normally skipped this important step.
You need to research everything about your business, particularly expenses and the market that you are entering. What can seem like a fantastic business idea when looked at on the surface, can turn out to be a problematic business route, or even likely to fail when you dig deeper. Obviously the reverse can be discovered too, and then you want to proceed at full speed. But, until you do your research, you don’t know.
It is a lot cheaper and less stressful than finding out the hard way that your business will likely fail. A good business plan can also uncover hidden niches on which you could greatly profit, aspects you hadn’t considered initially.
 Design your plan
It sounds crazy, but it is best to plan your plan. By this, I mean that you want to decide which elements the plan should include. Risks, problems, marketing, investment costings, company mission, and many more elements should be divided up appropriately. This is especially true if the plan is not only for you to see.
If the plan is to secure partners, investors, or finance, it needs to be totally different from a private business plan. It should focus on costs, potential returns, return on investment period, possible issues and their resolutions, etc. Think about who will be reading your plan
Market Research and Marketing
Although this comes under research, this section has such a huge influence on your end business that it deserves its own section. Knowing the wants, needs, and expectations of your market is a must. You need to serve the market, otherwise, your business will fail.
However, when you know what people or businesses want, you then need to get them to choose your company. This is where marketing and branding will play a vital role. Without this, people won’t really know about your business. Not only that, but you want your business to be chosen over the competition.
Price can play a part in this, but often it is the marketing and branding that decides (assuming that you have a quality product in the first place). A great example of this is Rolex, the price reflects the marketed image and quality of the product. Is the watch that much better than most high-end watches? Probably not. But, it has been marketed as a symbol of success and class. This is what people are truly paying for, the brand image that a very successful marketing campaign created.
Will you be as successful as Rolex? Possibly not, but until you plan, you won’t know.
Contact the Startup Specialists if you would like any assistance in Sales and Marketing techniques or handholding support for doing business in Thailand
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