How long does it take to register a company in Thailand?

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The time required to register a company in Thailand can vary depending on several factors, including the type of company, completeness of documentation, efficiency of the registration process, and workload of the relevant government authorities. It also depends on the shareholder and ownership structure (foreign vs Thai), business activities and more. In most scenarios, it can take as few as 10 days, but more difficult cases may take up to 6-10 months. These usually involve foreign ownership and/or the foreign business license or Board of Industries.

Here is a general timeline for company registration in Thailand:

The registration duration depends on a number of factors, such as your selected entity, shareholder and ownership structure (foreign vs Thai), business activities and more. In most scenarios, it can take as few as 7 days, but more difficult cases may take up to 6 months. These usually involve foreign ownership and/or the foreign business license.

  1. Name Reservation: The first step is to reserve a company name, which can be done online through the Department of Business Development (DBD) website. The name reservation process typically takes 1-2 business days.
  1. Document Preparation: After name reservation, the necessary documents for company registration must be prepared, including the Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, shareholder details, and other required forms. The time required for document preparation can vary depending on the complexity of the company structure and the efficiency of document preparation.
  1. Submission and Approval: Once the documents are prepared, they need to be submitted to the DBD for approval. The DBD will review the documents and issue the Certificate of Incorporation upon approval. The submission and approval process can take approximately 3-7 business days.
  1. Tax Registration: After obtaining the Certificate of Incorporation, the company needs to register for tax purposes with the Revenue Department. The tax registration process typically takes 1-3 business days.
  1. VAT Registration (if applicable): If the company’s annual turnover exceeds the threshold for Value Added Tax (VAT) registration, an additional step is required to register for VAT with the Revenue Department. The VAT registration process may take an additional 1-2 weeks.

Overall, the timeline for company registration in Thailand can range from approximately 1-3 weeks, assuming all the required documents are prepared correctly and there are no complications or delays during the process. However, it’s important to note that unforeseen circumstances or additional requirements specific to your business activities may extend the registration timeline.

It’s advisable to consult with a Thai lawyer or business consultant who can guide you through the company registration process, assist with document preparation, and provide support to ensure a smooth and timely registration.

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