6 Best Practices For Working From Home 

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The Covid-19 Pandemic and its effects

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a great impact on the world economy and governments across the world are worried about the effects.

This pandemic has hit us more than the 2007 recession which was considered as the Greatest Financial Crisis in 2007-08. Covid-19 has impacted all areas of a person’s life from household to business, financial institutions to markets. Everyone across the globe is forced to work from home for days together and it seems the only option to get over it. 

What the United Nations Has to Say On Global Economy

UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) declared that Corona has shrunk the global economy by almost 1%, and this pandemic (COVID-19) is disrupting the global supply chains and international trade.

Rise Of Work From Home Culture

Everyone talks about work-life balance and economy but very few think about it in an appropriate way. According to researchers work from home is the best way to the work-life balance of their employees. Many love to work from home. 

Most of the major companies like Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and Google have already implemented work from home policies for many of their employees. Many researchers have presented in their report that how work from home can increase the productivity of their employees. Though it is still a debatable issue what is more profitable and appropriate when we talk about work from home. 

But recent natural disaster has forced everyone to get into this unique scenario of working from home. Everyone has come to realize that it is not as difficult as it is thought to be and it can really provide flexibility, independence and take performance to a different height. We have spoken to several people and found out that most of them are putting in more hours of work than when they were working at offices.

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Here are some of the best reasons why companies should allow their employees to work from home

Save on commuting time: This is a huge factor for cities prone to traffic jams and daily commute takes up a huge chunk of productive hours. You can also save on transportation costs and indirectly protect the environment by reducing vehicular pollution.

Flexible schedule: You can maintain your schedule and take breaks at any moment you feel like. There is no need to rush up or hang up on your family members; also you can have your meals on time.

Easier and convenient: Internet access has made it possible to remain connected to the office. Wifi can be accessed anywhere these days and various applications like zoom or skype can help make remote communication a breeze.

Need not pay for office space: Working from home can help you save on infrastructure, electricity and maintenance costs especially when you have a physical office space to maintain. The money thus saved can be utilized for various other purposes like the expansion of business, marketing, etc.

No extra expenses:  On the one hand when we talk about less office space or no office then, on the other hand, we can also save a lot of money which is spent in the name of office inventory, supplies or snacks. 

A company can hire the best: No office means that you are capable to work or hire your employers from any corner of the world. Many freelance networks have capitalized on this concept. Various top companies have hired one of the best software developers from all around the world.

No time wastage on useless meetings: Now employers, as well as employees, concentrate the maximum of their time towards increasing productivity rather than spending it on useless meetings.

Employees may be less likely to quit: Employees feel happier while working from home and if they are happy then there are chances that they will not quit.

Increase in employee loyalty: Work from home is a dream of many employees. When the employee feels he is happy working happily at home then chances are there he will remain loyal to the company. 

Fewer sick or casual leaves: This will ensure the reduction in the number of casual or medical leaves. The employees who feel mildly ill can still work from home. Also, it prevents the further spread of some diseases like cold or flu.

Reduction in the need for vacation: Working from home is already a homely feel for the employees. They remain recharged as they know that along with work they are spending time with their family as well. So the inclination towards vacation may reduce in them.

Employees can work longer: Now as the commuting time is getting saved, the employees now can work for more hours. The spent on commuting can be spent on productive work.

 Custom environment:  Employees can set the environment they work in like the reduction in noise levels or the usage of the lights or any such thing.

Future Of Work From Home

Companies are certainly following the trend and most of them have given the flexibility of working from home to their employees. This trend is changing the way of work, especially in the tech industry.

Many people who are working in the tech space find it beneficial and especially working women who can now handle their work, children and family efficiently. 

Today, more and more entrepreneurs are working from home, as digital workspace is extending to connect the world together.

Here are 6 Best Practices that one should follow while Working from Home

  • Set up time for regular office hours 

Self-discipline is as important as your meals. If you are self-disciplined you can conquer anything. So is in case of work from home, it is a must that you set up a regular time for office hours. Getting organized is the most important task you need to learn in order to have a healthy work-life balance especially when you are working from home. Start your work on time as you would do at the office. 

  • Plan and structure your day 

To get the maximum benefit of working from home, it is imperative that you structure your day which should include your working time, rest time, mealtime and other activities time. 

You can make a list of urgent tasks and less urgent tasks. Do the urgent tasks which need your attention on that day or which is pending. Do not open your email box before that. Looking at emails is a big distraction for you and it will sway you from your urgent works. The first 2 hrs are most important for you to work on priorities, as memory and concentration happen to be at its peak during that time. So this way you can plan for a more productive day.

  • Set a designated work area

Consistency is the key to any work done with success. Try to set a designated area for yourself, maybe a spare room in your house or a table in the corner of your living room or drawing-room. Keep it spic and span. 

Everyone needs their own space to work. A cluttered desk with unnecessary things takes away your concentration. Keep it clean and we are sure you would feel much more motivated to work. 

  • Take breaks

Set a time to take a certain break from your work-time to time. It will not make you feel exhausted. Take breaks for lunch, meals in between. Even sometimes you can socialize and can get out with some friends. If you keep fitness as your priority then you can also go to the gym. Keep it flexible but well planned.

It should not happen that while working you keep munching snacks all the time. This is not only bad for health but takes away part of your concentrated work effort. Plan your day and week well in advance.

  • Avoid distractions

This is one of the biggest challenge in case one work from home. We know we are surrounded by family and there are many chores to do an errand to run. But staying focused will help you to be more productive. Again, planning things in advance is a good idea. However, everything cannot be planned and we need to take adjust our plan to ad-hoc situations. Think ‘working from home’ is a project and your success will depend on how well you can handle the Project including the change management of it. 

  • Dress to impress

Though we know we are at home and feel comfortable in Bermudas or t-shirts. But the way you dress impacts your psychology so try dressing appropriately even you are working from home. Try to follow the office culture at home. 

If your office is traditional, then wearing long-sleeved shirts, trousers, and a tie is desirable with the option of a jacket if its not too hot. However, if your office culture is non-traditional then you can wear jeans, casual shirts, etc. The idea is to dress as you would be in the office. This only elevates a certain amount of respect not only to yourself but also to your family members who feel that a part of the house has turned to be an office for a good cause. 

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